A start-up journey in Fingertip

for & date
Fingertip OY, 2016-2018
own role
UI designer, marketing designer, video producer
Salesforce Lightning framework-based UI design; visual communications assets for marketing
Social decision-making with Fingertip
According to Fingertip, decision-making is a linear and social process. At every stage of this process, the stakeholders have specific needs. And one tool should be sufficient enough to answer all these needs. With this idea at its core, Fingertip delivers a solution to teams that operate together.
Back in 2016, Fingertip was the most advanced Salesforce application. That’s when I joined this small start-up in Helsinki. And from the very first day onwards, I experienced the pure form of the start-up grind. My title was the designer. As this was a small start-up team, the title came with a load of responsibilities: UI design, video productions, marketing design, web design,…
During that one and a half year of my time in Fingertip, in addition to being a designer, I also acted as a technical account manager, webinar host, and sales personnel. Good times!